Source code for winevtrc.dfvfs_helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""dfVFS helpers."""

from dfvfs.helpers import command_line as dfvfs_command_line
from dfvfs.helpers import volume_scanner as dfvfs_volume_scanner
from dfvfs.lib import definitions as dfvfs_definitions
from dfvfs.path import factory as path_spec_factory
from dfvfs.resolver import resolver as dfvfs_resolver

from winevtrc import file_system

[docs] class DFVFSFileSystemHelper( file_system.FileSystemHelper, dfvfs_volume_scanner.VolumeScanner): """dfVFS file system helper."""
[docs] def __init__(self, mediator): """dfVFS file system helper. Args: mediator (dfvfs.VolumeScannerMediator): mediator. """ super(DFVFSFileSystemHelper, self).__init__() self._file_system = None self._parent_path_spec = None self._mediator = mediator
[docs] def BasenamePath(self, path): """Determines the basename of the path. Args: path (str): path. Returns: str: basename of the path. """ return self._file_system.BasenamePath(path)
[docs] def CheckFileExistsByPath(self, path): """Checks if a specific file exists. Args: path (str): path of the file. Returns: bool: True if the file exists, False otherwise. """ path_spec = path_spec_factory.Factory.NewPathSpec( self._file_system.type_indicator, location=path, parent=self._parent_path_spec) return self._file_system.FileEntryExistsByPathSpec(path_spec)
[docs] def DirnamePath(self, path): """Determines the directory name of the path. Args: path (str): path. Returns: str: directory name of the path or None. """ return self._file_system.DirnamePath(path)
[docs] def GetFileSizeByPath(self, path): """Retrieves the size of a specific file. Args: path (str): path of the file. Returns: int: size of the file in bytes or None if not available. """ path_spec = path_spec_factory.Factory.NewPathSpec( self._file_system.type_indicator, location=path, parent=self._parent_path_spec) file_entry = self._file_system.GetFileEntryByPathSpec(path_spec) if not file_entry: return None return file_entry.size
[docs] def JoinPath(self, path_segments): """Joins the path segments into a path. Args: path_segments (list[str]): path segments. Returns: str: joined path segments prefixed with the path separator. """ return self._file_system.JoinPath(path_segments)
[docs] def ListDirectory(self, path): """Lists the entries in a directory. Args: path (str): path of the directory. Yields: str: name of a directory entry. """ path_spec = path_spec_factory.Factory.NewPathSpec( self._file_system.type_indicator, location=path, parent=self._parent_path_spec) file_entry = self._file_system.GetFileEntryByPathSpec(path_spec) if file_entry: for sub_file_entry in file_entry.sub_file_entries: yield
[docs] def OpenFileByPath(self, path): """Opens a specific file. Args: path (str): path of the file. Returns: file: file-like object of the file. """ path_spec = path_spec_factory.Factory.NewPathSpec( self._file_system.type_indicator, location=path, parent=self._parent_path_spec) return self._file_system.GetFileObjectByPathSpec(path_spec)
[docs] def OpenFileSystem(self, path_spec): """Opens a file system. Args: path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): file system path specification. """ self._file_system = dfvfs_resolver.Resolver.OpenFileSystem(path_spec) self._parent_path_spec = path_spec.parent
[docs] def SplitPath(self, path): """Splits the path into path segments. Args: path (str): path. Returns: list[str]: path segments without the root path segment, which is an empty string. """ return self._file_system.SplitPath(path)
[docs] def SetDFVFSBackEnd(back_end): """Sets the dfVFS back-end. Args: back_end (str): dfVFS back-end. """ if back_end == 'APM': dfvfs_definitions.PREFERRED_APM_BACK_END = ( dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_APM) elif back_end == 'EXT': dfvfs_definitions.PREFERRED_EXT_BACK_END = ( dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_EXT) elif back_end == 'FAT': dfvfs_definitions.PREFERRED_FAT_BACK_END = ( dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_FAT) elif back_end == 'GPT': dfvfs_definitions.PREFERRED_GPT_BACK_END = ( dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_GPT) elif back_end == 'HFS': dfvfs_definitions.PREFERRED_HFS_BACK_END = ( dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_HFS) elif back_end == 'NTFS': dfvfs_definitions.PREFERRED_NTFS_BACK_END = ( dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_NTFS) elif back_end == 'TSK': dfvfs_definitions.PREFERRED_APM_BACK_END = ( dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_TSK) dfvfs_definitions.PREFERRED_EXT_BACK_END = ( dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_TSK) dfvfs_definitions.PREFERRED_FAT_BACK_END = ( dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_TSK) dfvfs_definitions.PREFERRED_GPT_BACK_END = ( dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_TSK_PARTITION) dfvfs_definitions.PREFERRED_HFS_BACK_END = ( dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_TSK) dfvfs_definitions.PREFERRED_NTFS_BACK_END = ( dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_TSK)
[docs] def AddDFVFSCLIArguments(argument_parser): """Adds dfVFS command line arguments. Args: argument_parser (argparse.ArgumentParser): argument parser. """ argument_parser.add_argument( '--back_end', '--back-end', dest='back_end', action='store', metavar='NTFS', default=None, help='preferred dfVFS back-end.') argument_parser.add_argument( '--image', dest='image', action='store', type=str, default=None, help='path of the storage media image.') argument_parser.add_argument( '--partitions', '--partition', dest='partitions', action='store', type=str, default=None, help=( 'Define partitions to be processed. A range of partitions can be ' 'defined as: "3..5". Multiple partitions can be defined as: "1,3,5" ' '(a list of comma separated values). Ranges and lists can also be ' 'combined as: "1,3..5". The first partition is 1. All partitions ' 'can be specified with: "all".')) argument_parser.add_argument( '--snapshots', '--snapshot', dest='snapshots', action='store', type=str, default=None, help=( 'Define snapshots to be processed. A range of snapshots can be ' 'defined as: "3..5". Multiple snapshots can be defined as: "1,3,5" ' '(a list of comma separated values). Ranges and lists can also be ' 'combined as: "1,3..5". The first snapshot is 1. All snapshots can ' 'be specified with: "all".')) argument_parser.add_argument( '--volumes', '--volume', dest='volumes', action='store', type=str, default=None, help=( 'Define volumes to be processed. A range of volumes can be defined ' 'as: "3..5". Multiple volumes can be defined as: "1,3,5" (a list ' 'of comma separated values). Ranges and lists can also be combined ' 'as: "1,3..5". The first volume is 1. All volumes can be specified ' 'with: "all".'))
[docs] def ParseDFVFSCLIArguments(options): """Parses dfVFS command line arguments. Args: options (argparse.Namespace): command line arguments. Returns: DFVFSFileSystemHelper: dfVFS file system helper or None if no file system could be found. """ SetDFVFSBackEnd(options.back_end) mediator = dfvfs_command_line.CLIVolumeScannerMediator() volume_scanner_options = dfvfs_volume_scanner.VolumeScannerOptions() volume_scanner_options.partitions = mediator.ParseVolumeIdentifiersString( options.partitions) if options.snapshots == 'none': volume_scanner_options.snapshots = ['none'] else: volume_scanner_options.snapshots = mediator.ParseVolumeIdentifiersString( options.snapshots) volume_scanner_options.volumes = mediator.ParseVolumeIdentifiersString( options.volumes) file_system_helper = DFVFSFileSystemHelper(mediator) base_path_specs = file_system_helper.GetBasePathSpecs( options.image, options=volume_scanner_options) if len(base_path_specs) != 1: return None file_system_helper.OpenFileSystem(base_path_specs[0]) return file_system_helper