Source code for winevtrc.extractor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Windows Event Log message resource extractor."""

import logging

from dfimagetools import environment_variables
from dfimagetools import windows_registry

from dfvfs.helpers import volume_scanner as dfvfs_volume_scanner
from dfvfs.resolver import resolver as dfvfs_resolver

from dfwinreg import registry as dfwinreg_registry

from winevtrc import eventlog_providers
from winevtrc import resource_file

[docs] class EventMessageStringExtractor(dfvfs_volume_scanner.WindowsVolumeScanner): """Windows Event Log message string extractor. Attributes: ascii_codepage (str): ASCII string codepage. missing_message_filenames (list[str]): names of message files that were not found or without a resource section. missing_resources_message_filenames (list[str]): names of message files, where both a string and a message table resource is missing. preferred_language_identifier (int): preferred language identifier (LCID). """ # Environment variables used in Windows paths. _PATH_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES = ( '%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%', '%COMMONPROGRAMFILES(X86)%', '%COMMONPROGRAMW6432%', '%PROGRAMDATA%', '%PROGRAMFILES%', '%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%', '%PROGRAMW6432%', '%PUBLIC%')
[docs] def __init__(self, debug=False, mediator=None): """Initializes a Windows Event Log message string extractor. Args: debug (Optional[bool]): True if debug information should be printed. mediator (dfvfs.VolumeScannerMediator): a volume scanner mediator or None. """ super(EventMessageStringExtractor, self).__init__(mediator=mediator) self._debug = debug self._registry = None self._processed_message_filenames = [] self._windows_version = None self.ascii_codepage = 'cp1252' self.missing_message_filenames = [] self.missing_resources_message_filenames = [] self.preferred_language_identifier = 0x0409
@property def windows_version(self): """The Windows version (getter).""" if self._windows_version is None: self._windows_version = self._GetWindowsVersion() return self._windows_version def _GetMUIWindowsResourceFile(self, windows_path, windows_resource_file): """Retrieves a MUI resource file. Args: windows_path (str): Windows path of the language neutral resource file. windows_resource_file (WindowsResourceFile): language neutral resource file. Returns: WindowsResourceFile: MUI resource file or None if not available. """ mui_language = windows_resource_file.GetMUILanguage() if not mui_language: return None path, _, name = windows_path.rpartition('\\') mui_windows_path = '\\'.join([path, mui_language, f'{name:s}.mui']) mui_windows_resource_file = self._OpenWindowsResourceFile( mui_windows_path) if not mui_windows_resource_file: mui_windows_path = '\\'.join([path, f'{name:s}.mui']) mui_windows_resource_file = self._OpenWindowsResourceFile( mui_windows_path) if mui_windows_resource_file: f'Resource file: {windows_path:s} references MUI resource file: ' f'{mui_windows_path:s}')) return mui_windows_resource_file def _GetNormalizedPath(self, path): """Retrieves a normalized variant of a path. Args: path (str): path of a message file. Returns: str: normalized path of a message file. """ path_segments = path.split('\\') if path_segments: # Check if the first path segment is a drive letter or "%SystemDrive%". first_path_segment = path_segments[0].lower() if ((len(first_path_segment) == 2 and first_path_segment[1:] == ':') or first_path_segment == '%systemdrive%'): path_segments[0] = '' # Check if the second path segment is "Windows". if (len(path_segments) >= 2 and path_segments[0] == '' and path_segments[1].lower() == 'windows'): path_segments.pop(0) path_segments[0] = '%SystemRoot%' return '\\'.join(path_segments) or '\\' def _GetSystemRoot(self): """Determines the value of %SystemRoot%. Returns: str: value of SystemRoot or None if the value cannot be determined. """ current_version_key = self._registry.GetKeyByPath( 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion') system_root = None if current_version_key: system_root_value = current_version_key.GetValueByName('SystemRoot') if system_root_value: system_root = system_root_value.GetDataAsObject() if not system_root: system_root = self._windows_directory return system_root def _GetWindowsVersion(self): """Determines the Windows version from kernel executable file. Returns: str: Windows version or None otherwise. """ system_root = self._GetSystemRoot() # Windows NT variants. kernel_executable_path = '\\'.join([ system_root, 'System32', 'ntoskrnl.exe']) windows_resource_file = self._OpenWindowsResourceFile( kernel_executable_path) if not windows_resource_file: # Windows 9x variants. kernel_executable_path = '\\'.join([ system_root, 'System32', '\\kernel32.dll']) windows_resource_file = self._OpenWindowsResourceFile( kernel_executable_path) if not windows_resource_file: return None return windows_resource_file.file_version def _OpenWindowsResourceFile(self, windows_path): """Opens the message resource file specified by the Windows path. Args: windows_path (str): Windows path of the Windows resource file. Returns: WindowsResourceFile: message resource file or None. """ path_spec = self._path_resolver.ResolvePath(windows_path) if path_spec is None: return None return self._OpenWindowsResourceFileByPathSpec(path_spec) def _OpenWindowsResourceFileByPathSpec(self, path_spec): """Opens the message resource file specified by the path specification. Args: path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification. Returns: WindowsResourceFile: message resource file or None. """ windows_path = self._path_resolver.GetWindowsPath(path_spec) if windows_path is None: logging.warning('Unable to retrieve Windows path.') try: file_object = dfvfs_resolver.Resolver.OpenFileObject(path_spec) except IOError as exception: logging.warning( f'Unable to open: {path_spec.comparable:s} with error: {exception!s}') file_object = None if file_object is None: return None message_file = resource_file.WindowsResourceFile( windows_path, ascii_codepage=self.ascii_codepage, preferred_language_identifier=self.preferred_language_identifier) message_file.OpenFileObject(file_object) return message_file
[docs] def CollectEventLogProviders(self): """Retrieves the Event Log providers. Yields: EventLogProvider: Event Log provider. """ # TODO: have CLI argument control this mode. # all_control_sets = False collector = eventlog_providers.EventLogProvidersCollector() for event_log_provider in collector.Collect(self._registry): event_log_provider.category_message_files = [ self.GetNormalizedMessageFilePath(path) for path in event_log_provider.category_message_files] event_log_provider.event_message_files = [ self.GetNormalizedMessageFilePath(path) for path in event_log_provider.event_message_files] event_log_provider.parameter_message_files = [ self.GetNormalizedMessageFilePath(path) for path in event_log_provider.parameter_message_files] yield event_log_provider
[docs] def CollectSystemEnvironmentVariables(self): """Collects the system environment variables.""" collector = environment_variables.WindowsEnvironmentVariablesCollector() for environment_variable in collector.Collect(self._registry): if in self._PATH_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES: normalized_path = self._GetNormalizedPath(environment_variable.value) self._path_resolver.SetEnvironmentVariable([1:-1], normalized_path)
[docs] def GetMessageResourceFile(self, event_log_provider, message_filename): """Retrieves an Event Log message resource file. Args: event_log_provider (EventLogProvider): Event Log provider. message_filename (str): message filename. Returns: WindowsResourceFile: message resource file or None if not available or already processed. """ normalized_message_file_path = self.GetNormalizedMessageFilePath( message_filename) # Skip message file if it was already processed. lookup_path = normalized_message_file_path.lower() if lookup_path in self._processed_message_filenames: return None path_spec = self._path_resolver.ResolvePath(normalized_message_file_path) if path_spec: file_entry = self._file_system.GetFileEntryByPathSpec(path_spec) # If normalized_message_file_path points to a directory try appending # the Event Log provider log source as the file name. if file_entry.IsDirectory():'Message file: {message_filename:s} refers to directory') for log_source in event_log_provider.log_sources: message_file_path = '\\'.join([ normalized_message_file_path, log_source]) path_spec = self._path_resolver.ResolvePath(message_file_path) if path_spec: break windows_resource_file = None if path_spec: windows_resource_file = self._OpenWindowsResourceFileByPathSpec(path_spec) if not windows_resource_file: logging.warning(f'Missing message file: {message_filename:s}') if message_filename not in self.missing_message_filenames: self.missing_message_filenames.append(message_filename) return None if not windows_resource_file.HasMessageTableResource(): # Windows Vista and later use a MUI resource to redirect to # a language specific message file. mui_windows_resource_file = self._GetMUIWindowsResourceFile( normalized_message_file_path, windows_resource_file) if mui_windows_resource_file: windows_resource_file.Close() windows_resource_file = mui_windows_resource_file if not windows_resource_file.HasMessageTableResource(): logging.warning(( f'Message table resource missing from resouce file: ' f'{message_filename:s}')) if message_filename not in self.missing_resources_message_filenames: self.missing_resources_message_filenames.append(message_filename) windows_resource_file.Close() return None windows_resource_file.windows_path = normalized_message_file_path lookup_path = normalized_message_file_path.lower() self._processed_message_filenames.append(lookup_path) return windows_resource_file
[docs] def GetNormalizedMessageFilePath(self, path): """Retrieves a normalized variant of a message file path. Args: path (str): path of a message file. Returns: str: normalized path of a message file. """ path_segments = path.split('\\') filename = path_segments.pop() if path_segments: # Check if the first path segment is a drive letter or "%SystemDrive%". first_path_segment = path_segments[0].lower() if ((len(first_path_segment) == 2 and first_path_segment[1:] == ':') or first_path_segment == '%systemdrive%'): path_segments[0] = '' path_segments_lower = [ path_segment.lower() for path_segment in path_segments] if not path_segments_lower: # If the path is a filename assume the file is stored in: # "%SystemRoot%\System32". path_segments = ['%SystemRoot%', 'System32'] elif path_segments_lower[0] in ('system32', '$(runtime.system32)'): # Note that the path can be relative so if it starts with "System32" # assume this represents "%SystemRoot%\System32". path_segments = ['%SystemRoot%', 'System32'] + path_segments[1:] elif path_segments_lower[0] in ( '%systemroot%', '%windir%', '$('): path_segments = ['%SystemRoot%'] + path_segments[1:] # Check if path starts with "\SystemRoot\", "\Windows\" or "\WinNT\" for # example: "\SystemRoot\system32\drivers\SerCx.sys" elif not path_segments_lower[0] and path_segments_lower[1] in ( 'systemroot', 'windows', 'winnt'): path_segments = ['%SystemRoot%'] + path_segments[2:] path_segments.append(filename) return '\\'.join(path_segments) or '\\'
[docs] def ScanForWindowsVolume(self, source_path, options=None): """Scans for a Windows volume. Args: source_path (str): source path. options (Optional[VolumeScannerOptions]): volume scanner options. If None the default volume scanner options are used, which are defined in the VolumeScannerOptions class. Returns: bool: True if a Windows volume was found. Raises: ScannerError: if the source path does not exists, or if the source path is not a file or directory, or if the format of or within the source file is not supported. """ result = super(EventMessageStringExtractor, self).ScanForWindowsVolume( source_path, options=options) if not result: return False registry_file_reader = ( windows_registry.StorageMediaImageWindowsRegistryFileReader( self._file_system, self._path_resolver)) self._registry = dfwinreg_registry.WinRegistry( registry_file_reader=registry_file_reader) return True